Mom is always tired because she is the one the kids wake up. I have done a through study of the facts based on my history with the bigs and now Mini Monkey. Its not that the hubs wouldn’t get up with them either its that they don’t try to wake him up. I have tried to ask them why not wake up dad he is the one with the parenting experience for the first couple years with the bigs I was flying by the seat of my pants and Google. Fistbumps Google thank you for co-parenting and for letting me run symptoms by you in the middle of the night.
Regardless I have gotten a definitive answer besides well you woke up. Plus you can’t really argue with that logic. Yes indeed I did wake up because I was either vomited on, you were crying, or the worst you peed the bed and tried to crawl in with me to cuddle.
I love them all I just don’t love the midnight laundry and shower combo. At the same time though you can’t just leave them to wallow in the filthy. You also can't not wash their linens before siblings wake up because siblings aren't always nice and understanding. So being mom you strip the bed find clean sheets, re make bed ideally while child showers tuck them back in than camp out with until they are comfortable and asleep. Than you proceed to wash and dry 2-3 loads of laundry.
Now with Mini we are in week 4 of teething, one tooth is through and one more is almost through but his sleeping through the night is shot, so is mommy’s. Last night at one point I realized I had closed my eyes for a total of 15 minutes before he was up again. While he is very sweet and cuddly while teething he likes to vocalize his discomfort. While we do medicate while he is teething there is always that overlap when the Tylenol has worn off and its to early for the next dose. When even he doesn’t want to open his eyes and deal with it when all you can do is snuggle and hope to doze until either both of us fall asleep or its Tylenol time again.
Does anyone else need a cup of coffee?
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