Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Wisdom from my toddler

So in the last few months my little guy has taught me a few things. Things that may seem kind of trivial but are worth the moments to jot down. So your dose of wisdom from the Minimonkey
That's the closest picture I had to him looking all serious and intent. are you ready?
  1. Smile. Even if it's for no reason, even if you don't know the person you are passing. Even if you aren't necessarily in a very happy mood (read that as pissed of and teething) because they will probably smile back at you.
  2. Share. (Or as he prefers forcefully shove tasty morsels in other people's mouths. It delicious and they need to try it).
  3. Do something that scares you. Even if it has ended poorly before (be it running down the hallway or petting the kitty) get back on the horse and ride.
  4. Some days its ok to not wear pants or socks. Just do so in the privacy of your own home. When in doubt the answer is semi casual sweat suits no one knows they double as pajamas. Worst case keep it classy in the footy pajamas people might judge you but your warm and cozy so its adorable.
  5. Hide treats from yourself. You will be stoked when you rediscover that tube of M&Ms. Nothing is truly horrible when you have found your stash. 

Friday, February 21, 2014

It's the worst day since yesterday

It's been a rough week for since Valentine's Day, that is when we discovered what I term our kidnap van (ie. the kid hauler) had decided to die during the freak snow storm. So that is in the shop and the bill is only slightly more than I had expected (read that as double) but this is the shop that the AAA mechanic was all gung ho about rather than the shop the hubs was going to take it to (I hope he gets a commission) but at least its getting fixed and we can pay the bill without going into debt.

I took Mini for a walk on Wednesday and it went from sunny to rainy to hail within the time we walked home from grabbing lunch and a few groceries. He let me know with all of his rage how unacceptable this was. Not only did he get wet but that night the hubs asked if he had spilled juice on the stroller since it was still drying out. The plus note is we did make it home safe and with only slightly chilled Chinese food.

I submitted the wrong paper to my professor on Sunday too. Thank heavens she was kind enough to resubmit the assignment I had completed and grad it as if I had turned it in correctly. Otherwise I would of dropped an entire letter grade and I was feeling pretty good about having A's in all my classes.

So where we are is nothing has broke us yet but it's been a rough week. We could use a cookie and a cuddle. Maybe a sofa fort and someone to tell us when it's safe to come out again.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Toddler's Guide to Valentine's Day gifts for mom

Mini man here, I have hijacked the blog to discuss what moms really want for Valentine's Day. How do I know you ask? Well I do spend everyday with this lady so I like to think that I am in the know. This is only a guide every mom is different and should be treated like a unique and delicate flower.

Get her the fancy travel mug. She might not like it at first but she does hang out with me all day and I like to drop things in her coffee mug. If she has a travel mug with a lid not only is it safety first keeping me out of the mug it also keeps her safe from any surprises. Oh and if your wondering why the remote is sticky its cause I dunked it in her morning coffee today while she was making me breakfast. You could also stick some cliché flowers into this travel mug and make it serve double duty. I don't really see the point in flowers because I can't eat them but you know its apparently a popular option.

Chocolate. Ideally lots and if not lots get her the good stuff. If you want to do fantastic and you're local sneak into Enchante (no they did not sponsor this post in any way, mom just takes me there for wonderful treats when I have been exceptional here are their Facebook details https://www.facebook.com/pages/Enchante/155994854459916). They make delicious chocolates and popcorn in house and they have items with in every budget. I am partial to whatever little bites I can get and have been known to sneak the dark chocolate covered sea salt chocolates. They have a huge case of truffles and dreamy dipped items. If in doubt ask the staff they probably have even better ideas than me or just get the giant S'more.

Reading material. As I am limited to online shopping or where I can get to by stroller may I recommend a graphic novel or two? First off there are pictures so I can look over her shoulder and be amused. Secondly its not something that will require lots of focus for massive enjoyment and she can put it down quickly when I need mommy. The best ones have plot twists that include drama, suspense, and sometimes even a love story (ick). If you need help just go see the nice folks at #TFAW Milwaukie or visit their website (www.tfaw.com) they have live chat assistance. You could also get her a gift card to Powell's but requires her to have time to shop on the internet or a special trip so think local.

Nap time. It's free and it will make her happy. If you want to be super make the bed with clean sheets before hand and give her the fluffy blanket. She's always much more awesome rested and than I can stay up and party all night without her being sleep deprived morning mama.

Dinner at home. Don't make mommy deal with the pressure of reservations and fitting into a perfect outfit.  Bring the food to mommy so she can dine in comfort and I can pick the best bits off her plate. Extra points if you bring home something we can eat out of the to-go container that is still fancy. Or if you still want points I will show you how to hack her www.d-dish.com account you can order almost anything and they will do the driving and bring the food to the door.

Things not buy my mommy.
  • Dangly earrings, I like to grab at things and explore. It's an invitation for a mommy owie.
  • Lingerie, one of me is enough mister. Plus she hasn't shaved her legs in months.
  • Power tools, she's clumsy.
  • Cleaning supplies, I make the messes she cleans them up. There is no romance in cleaning supplies.
  • Plants, kitty and I are enough for her to keep alive and nurtured. Plus kitty tends to push them off the shelf.
Well that's my toddler gift guide to Valentine's day. I should repeat no one paid to be listed. If they had I would of made mom do the writing while I reaped the spoils.  We have no qualms with doing sponsored posts this just wasn't one.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

#Sunday Confessions, In my closet

This week's #Sunday Confession

In my closet there is a perfect pair of strappy black stilettos. They are no longer beautiful but I can't bring myself to bin them.

When I bought them it was almost 7 years ago on a shopping expedition with the hubs before he was the hubs. He and I found clearance rack and they were on it. In my  jumbo size and on clearance for only $3.99. I bought other shoes that day and it was also the day I knew the hubs was the one because I bought a few other pairs of heels that were all the same shoe but in different colors. There is something to be said about a man who doesn't question why I need the same shoe in different colors.

I have worn them a bit ragged at this point there are a few scuffs,  the heels are also a bit wobbly, and  the buckle for the ankle strap is loose. I have risked what I worry every time to be the last more times just because these are the shoes that make me feel powerful and beautiful. They have gotten me through fat days, stressful days, lazy days ( I have found people think you put in effort if you wear sexy shoes and they are just as easy to slide on as slippers), and days when I felt like I was queen of the world.

I know it's time to say good bye and they have more than earned their keep. I do need to replace them before I have an accident and its a forced goodbye and a trip to the trash. Maybe I will just hide them even further in the back of my closet. For a little while longer. I'm just not ready yet. I have lustfully bookmarked more expensive replacement shoes and I think I better order. Unless there is a magical shoe company that wants to barter with a broke blogger?

Thursday, February 6, 2014

My Winter Husband

February is often the worst month for us economically its also generally the most love dovey month for us. Not because of Valentine's Day or it being our wedding anniversary. February is  the month I get what I call the my winter husband. It is the time of year his work is slower and so he doesn't always work full days. Which while it can strain the wallet is nice because we get some much needed time together.

At first I will try to find things we need to do. Generally the first week or two I will find errands and other odds and ends that I have been putting off. Eventually those run out. It's time for us to be home. Its now that I get to reap the benefits. This week I managed to take a nap and study with out being the Mini's jungle gym. We have been able to trade off tasks like dishes, laundry and who cooks dinner. It's a lull in our cycle and a time for us to regroup and maybe watch some bad television. It's a nice reminder of why we love each other even though our schedules are so catawampus.

Tonight's one of those winter nights though were he is not home. I am not sure where the delivery took them but now snowy roads mean I don't know when he will be home tonight. It means making dinner and waiting for the phone to ring or to hear his key in lock. It means being patient and waiting. Plans to make a trip out for dinner and diapers are being postponed. I know we need the money but on nights like this it would be nice if he was home or worked a set schedule.

So I am off to think happy thoughts about my winter husband because all to soon it will be time for summer husband. Where he is working all the hours and I wonder if I am going to see he him before bed time. Our wallets will be fatter but we won't have as much together time. Nor will we be as happy.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Sunday Confessions : Aging

I have to say I think I might be in denial since I saw my first grey hair all those years ago until today. This year we once again celebrated the anniversary of my 21st birthday. I have embraced the stigma of growing older to much. Its just that I am not ready to say I am ready for cardigans and khakis. Deep down I still feel young. Maybe not 16 and able to run a 6 minute mile but I don't feel almost 30. 

I have to admit 21 was a good year for me it was the year I met the hubs and we moved in together. It was the first year I felt ok with my weight, height, hair color. Everything in my life had finally came together. 27 was another good year for me I had Mini man and got married. I also got down to a weight I was ok with post baby and I started working out again. There's something to be said about taking baby for walks getting a stroller and baby up and down a flight of steps gets the blood pumping.

So aging at 28 I have taken a new attack on the grey with bleach bottle blond goodness. I do worry that it is getting a little to Targaryen dragon princess but at least no one can see my shame. I am down to size smaller than when I met the hubs. The truth is I don't feel like I am getting older so maybe I am aging into something better?