Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Mommy never sleeps

Mom is always tired because she is the one the kids wake up. I have done a through study of the facts based on my history with the bigs and now Mini Monkey. Its not that the hubs wouldn’t get up with them either its that they don’t try to wake him up. I have tried to ask them why not wake up dad he is the one with the parenting experience for the first couple years with the bigs I was flying by the seat of my pants and Google. Fistbumps Google thank you for co-parenting and for letting me run symptoms by you in the middle of the night.

Regardless I have gotten a definitive answer besides well you woke up. Plus you can’t really argue with that logic. Yes indeed I did wake up because I was either vomited on, you were crying, or the worst you peed the bed and tried to crawl in with me to cuddle.
I love them all I just don’t love the midnight laundry and shower combo. At the same time though you can’t just leave them to wallow in the filthy. You also can't not wash their linens before siblings wake up because siblings aren't always nice and understanding. So being mom you strip the bed find clean sheets, re make bed ideally while child showers tuck them back in than camp out with until they are comfortable and asleep. Than you proceed to wash and dry 2-3 loads of laundry.

Now with Mini we are in week 4 of teething, one tooth is through and one more is almost through but his sleeping through the night is shot, so is mommy’s. Last night at one point I realized I had closed my eyes for a total of 15 minutes before he was up again. While he is very sweet and cuddly while teething he likes to vocalize his discomfort. While we do medicate while he is teething there is always that overlap when the Tylenol has worn off and its to early for the next dose. When even he doesn’t want to open his eyes and deal with it when all you can do is snuggle and hope to doze until either both of us fall asleep or its Tylenol time again.

I thought about including a self-picture to illustrate the long-term effects of my sleep deprivation but this is my blog and I refuse to post any more unglamorous shots of me.

Does anyone else need a cup of coffee?

Friday, July 26, 2013

Present peace of mind

It’s almost that time of year, time for the twin’s birthday. Every year I face the quandary of what to get them and this year I am just not digging the consumerism. They have so many things that they don’t use or play with. I know I sounded like the wicked stepmother but trust me they will be getting some fun stuff because I all ready bought it.
However the huge embrace of commercialism just isn’t happening anymore. I’m tired of us stock piling things that serve no purpose other than they are ours. So it was time to look into alternate gifts.

To start with I have decided that the girls will be getting hooded sweatshirts that have been customized with sharks and horses. Pictures will be posted as I either complete projects or lose my mind. So far I have the linings for the hoods of both sweat shirts cut and have started sewing the horses into the first hoody. It’s going fast this time around than when I made Mini Monkey the prototype (poor Mini get’s the prototypes for crafts like this because he’s the smallest so ideally the project should go fastest or I know if I need to say to hell with it and cut my losses before I work on replicating for the bigs.)
Now I just have to discipline myself to get everything sewn together and that project will be done.

I also bought the fabric for new blankets for them, again in shark and horse themes. So far that is stacked on my to sew table and I haven’t even gotten the initial wash of it done. I also have a few hundred shark quilt blocks taunting me. I really need wash fabric and unbury my sewing machine. On a plus note I did get their old Hello Kitty comforters thrown out so I am forced to be motivated because winter is coming and it’s time they had something that reflects their personal identities rather than matching cuteness.

My coupe de gras though is going to be Dum Dum lollipop topiaries because they look easy and fun. That however could be famous last words. All though sticking lollipops into a Styrofoam ball should be idiot proof, right what’s the worst that could happen?

I don’t know if I am doing the right thing, but I do feel some peace of mind in the fact that I am not buying them presents just to give them things but rather making them things they can use and hopefully enjoy. Thoughts?
                          This is the goal, except for the fact that I have to make 2!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Dear Jiffy Lube Tech

Dear Sir,

I feel I should be honest with you before you chortle with glee and write Penthouse forum; I was not trying to flash you. We were on a road trip and I was using the breast pump while my husband drove rather than have him pull over and nurse. Selfish of me I know. However he pulled into your business’s drive swiftly without announcing it to me.  While I appreciate your rapid customer service I was in the midst of an oh shit moment as you approached. Trying not to drench anyone with milk, spill the contents I had just expressed, or flash you. So in conclusion sir any boob flashing was not a sex act just a mom getting her baby a snack.

Thank you,

Sweet Moe

Yes this actually happened on our recent road trip. While I appreciate the hubs zeal in getting a deal and servicing the van I have come to realize that we both have gotten a bit casual about nursing and pumping. Had I realized that he was pulling into a business I would of gotten disengaged from the pump, poured the yum into Mini’s Monkey’s bottle, and tastefully rearranged my wardrobe before the van stopped. All in all not the most embarrassing moment of my life but at the time it sure felt like it.

Monday, July 22, 2013

I don't think I can call it a vacation anymore

Vacation or a weekend get away used to mean double check the wallet for a debt card, throw a tooth brush in the purse, a spare pair of undies, and maybe a stick of deodorant. A weekend away with baby meant packing up enough of the house so that he could be comfortable in all, have wardrobe choices, back up selects, preferred stuffed animal collection, and various other little people paraphernalia. That was just to get baby packed; than had to pack up the sisters, the husband and myself. The cat was probably thrilled to be in charge of guarding the house I know by the time we (me and mini monkey) had two of the jumbo totes packed, the breast pump, the diaper bag, cooler, jackets gathered, and all and sundry dragged out to the van we were exhausted and we hadn’t left the house yet.

Thank heavens that the hubs did the driving to the beach and back. It took us 4 hours to just make it out of town and to the beach house a mere 80-mile drive. On the way we had to stop for minor incidentals like breakfast, a van full of grandma’s beach arts and craft projects (it’s her birthday celebration and she’ll do what she likes and that means arts and crafts, and more arts and crafts), an oil change (because the hubs works crazy hours and didn’t have a chance to do it before leaving town), Greek food (because we were passing #The Mad Greek Deli and I apparently am grumpy and kind of mean hungry and their food could is stinking awesome) and those were the big stops. There were other incidentals like coffee, gas, diaper change, and gas.

Finally we made it to the beach house and the awesome ensued. The Mini Monkey’s first trip to the ocean; we had driven out before but it was winter so no frolicking in the Pacific. Let’s just say the look on his face once his toes hit the water made it all worth it. I was worried we were going to scar him for life letting him dip his bare toes into the chill. However he loved the waves splashing his ankles and his feet. It was hard to convince him that he couldn’t frolic and splash in them like cousins and sisters. Oh the unfairness of being little.

Sunday was dedicated to breakfast and arts and crafts with grandma in celebration of her birthday. It also involved one tired momma learning there was no espresso with in walking distance of the house. Tie dyed cupcakes getting baked and decorated with appropriate beachy goodness i.e. Swedish Fish and Teddy Grahams in life preserves. We have tie dyed t-shirts, pajamas and onesies that this momma needs to go rinse still. Mini Monkey is still too little to have join family for the rest of the coming week shenanigans. So we packed up (minus a van full of craft supplies) and headed for home.

This morning I’m grateful to be back to the land of espresso and cell phone reception. While I can catch up with you bloggers and bloggees, my eBay auctions, collect our #Geek Survival winnings from #TFAW. I’m a little sad because I know it will be a while before we head west to the ocean again and that shortly my hands shall be multi hued after I rinse out tie dye.  

We'll I'm off but let me leave you with our moment of happiness with the wind in our hair and feet in the sand. 

Monday, July 15, 2013

I'm a good enough mommy, you're a good enough mommy or ladies your both pretty

I am saying enough with the mommy mean girls games.  I for one am done with women who can’t play nice and than wonder why we have issues with bullying. We may not agree on each others parenting styles but as long as our children are being nurtured, encouraged, cared for, and thriving let’s let the small things go.

So I breastfeed, you bottle-feed. It’s not my choice how you feed your baby both of our babies are getting nourished. Yes it does mean I will be letting my son latch on to my breast and sometimes it will be in PUBLIC. It’s a natural feeding method and it works for us. I promise when I am not in the privacy of my own home I do try to be discrete. Trust me I really don’t want to be showing my breasts or nipples to anyone. Sometimes though it takes a moment to latch and babies squirm. As for your baby being fed formula I get it nursing doesn’t work for everyone, it doesn’t matter why. Both of us are being successful mommies as long as our little one has a full tummy.

As our babies get older I will continue to respect your diet choices, gluten free, vegan, organic, no refined fats or sugars, etc. Should our children be friends and play date or be in classroom together I will even try to accommodate those dietary restrictions when it comes to snack time but we need to communicate. I admit I am lucky I don’t have child or husband with food allergies. While I do try to cook wholesome and delicious meals from scratch sometimes we do go out to eat or even hit a drive thru. Again to me its ok everyone has gotten fed.

I am not the best-dressed most high fashion mommy and neither are my children. Labels quit being important to me in high school to me it is more important that we have all made it out the door in something that is clean, coordinating and they have addressed hygiene issues. Sometimes they dress themselves and they look like hobos I admit it. Trust me it has or will be addressed at home; I don’t need a snide mommy comment I all ready feel bad enough. Also some days I do run errands in yoga pants and a t-shirt, it  is ok I’m running errands not running for Mrs. America. Yes my hair needs a good cut and dye too. Right now making it to a salon is on the to-do list but it’s not a high priority for me right now. If you are getting it done more power to you but I’m ok with me.

I think I covered a few of the big points. It breaks down to really I’m an ok mommy, you are an ok mommy. We are both trying to do what’s best for our families. So fist pumps and solidarity mommies we are all good enough even if our good enough isn’t exactly the same.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Why and how I quit taking the kids shopping with me

Oh how I wished I looked this cute shopping

So earlier this year we had a grand underwear crisis also known as I found out that the twins had spent a weekend without clean underwear because they had ran out/out grown all of the pairs they had at our house #badparentingmoment on me. I could of rallied the troops and headed to the nearest big box store ie Walmart or Target but than I realized I was pondering taking baby, two preteens, and a teen underwear shopping, together. Thankfully we didn't make it out of the door before sanity asserted itself.  No good could come from taking the whole herd on expedition. Not to mention the twins and the oldest have reached the age were its a little akward to be shopping together for underwear.

After doing a quick internet browse for deals it was a snap to be able to order what everyone needed. Plus we could avoid all the akwardness of discussing who needed what and in what sizes. Which meant the girls didn't have big brother over hearing the underwear discussion and same for him. Everyone was happy, everyone was able to get the right size, color, and  deal (that part only mattered to me). Best of all I was able to get everyone what they needed in one "trip", there was no fussing or in store argument, no akward discussion of training bras or boxers versus briefs (again for anyone other than me). Pretty much a total win right?

Not quite. About a week later I got the email of based on your previous purchases we recommend, and it was nothing but an ad for underwear for the whole family. No socks, no shirts, no pants, just a variety of undie options for all. *facepalm* At least the kids have clean underwear.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Please stay out of my vagina

In the last few weeks I have had multiple people ask me when we are having the next baby. Well I get that people are not asking to be malicious.  The truth is I don't see how in any way that is any one's business other than mine and the hubs. Right now there is so much on our plates with raising his 3, MiniMonkey, both of us working, managing the house that I can't imagine even making the time to be trying to conceive much less having another baby.  Not to mention another child though loved would be horribly irresponsible of us on so many fronts. I don't feel that it would be fair financially or  time wise.

Right now we are at a point in our lives of economic stability which is fabulous we have had some issues with his career and there is no way if we were down to one income again we could afford basics for our family. Not that I am opposed to getting assistance if you need it but I am most happy with our two incomes that we can meet our families expenses and afford small luxuries. However between back to school, birthdays,  it being less than half a year till Christmas, us needing to move, and misc expenses, not to mention the every and  and no sign of us winning the lottery money is always just a little tight.

Tick Tock, tick tock we are always racing the clock and some days I don't always see the hubs. That means I do it all solo until he gets off work and if he's doesn't off work till after baby is in bed than so be it. He's the primary provider which means while I work I am also the primary child care provider, house manager, cook, bill payer, etc. It's a lot of hats to wear and I generally do it gladly because I am our house's control freak. HOWEVER, I am tired. We ie Mini Monkey and I have recently with teething and nursing had some set backs in sleeping through the night. You might ask why I don't get my husband to wake up with baby? Since he can't nurse I don't see any reason why he should be sleep deprived too.

So in conclusion if someone could tell me a nice way to say No no more babies here, it would greatly appreciated. Until than unless you are the hubs, please don't enquire about the state of my uterus.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Sometime's it's ok to eat with your fingers

Please ignore the paper plate, focus on the golden deliciousness.

Last night I couldn't think of what I wanted to make for a side dish for dinner. Than it dawned on me I had 2 walla walla sweet onions and no real plans for them. After spending quality time googling on my phone in search of a healthy baked onion ring recipe I said forget it. No one truly ever meant onion rings to be a health food.  These are walla walla sweets  they deserve a dip in a bubbling hot tub of oil before they meet their fate. The zucchini went in too because green vegetables are good for you and it looked all sad and lonely in the fridge by it's self.

In case you want to do this at home you'll need:

1 can of beer (lager or pale ale )
1 1/2 cup self rising flour divided
1/2 t garlic powder
1/2 t pepper
1/2 t paprika
a generous shake of seasoning salt

In a medium mixing bowl combine 1 cup self rising flour and your seasonings. Whisk in 1 cup beer, you may need to add a little more till batter is the consistancy of pancake batter. Let it sit so the bubbles settle.
Now is great time to prep your vegetables. I used 2 small WallaWalla onions and 1 midsized zucchini, feel free to use whatever makes you happy. Cut vegetables into 1/4" slices and if using onions seperate rings. Dredge in remaining flour.

Frying: If you have a deep fat fryer excellent set it to 375 and proceed to dip your vegetables, shake off the excess (over the bowl) and submerge to fry for a about 3-4 minutes or until crunchy and golden brown.

If you don't have a deep fryer you can McGuyver improvise by using either a cast iron skillet or a dutch oven. Pour in about 2 inches of oil (I would recommend vegetable but if you have peanut or canola go for it). It will take several minutes for oil to come up to temperature. I prefer to check by dropping in a test onion ring and if it bubbles and starts to fry you are good to go. Follow the instructions above and dip, shake and fry.

Once the yumies are ready to come out of the fry I find it helps to have a cookie sheet  ready, covered in a layer of paper towels to absorb the grease. Simply empty the basket on the sheet or if your using the skillet method a slotted spoon is handy to make the transfer.

Finally when everything is fried and you can't wait any longer. Enjoy with your favorite dipping sauces. Last night we used ketchup and ranch dressing.

Quick little note to avoid liabilty. Deep fried food is delicious it is also fattening. This is not every day food this is an occasional yum. So if you start deep frying everything I have no responsibility for the outcome ok?
Secondly and more importantly, you are dealing with hot grease. Be safe, keep childern, pets, clumsy significant others safely occupied while you do this. Keep a lid for your pan at the ready if your doing this on the stove and a box full of baking soda. Safety first everybody :)