Thursday, November 21, 2013

Why I don't do 30 days of Thanks

Let me start by stating hooray for everyone who makes an effort to post for 30 days things they are thankful. A double hooray for everyone who posts things that are honest and or funny. I do love that you make the effort. Please don't think I am writing this because I am an asshole.

I just don't do the 30 days of thanks because in honesty I have enough that I should be thankful the whole year round. Not just around this ne time of year. What I need to do rather than post on a Facebook wall for 30 days  is make sure that I stay mindful through out the year of the things I am thankful for. Even if it is things that aren't super awesome.

So here's my big list for this year:

  • That The Hubs works like a mad man so I can work from home, go to school, and parent. That he comes home and parents and doesn't just say no that's womens work. He has never questioned a financial choice I have made even when I do. He also is the instigator of a lot of our fun. Also that he has never complained about my going back to bed with baby in the morning when he is leaving the house. I could of done much worst when it came to having a partner.
  • That The Bigs exist. Yes they are a reminder that the hubs had a life before us. They also though are growing up to be semi decent (I would be an asshole if I said my kids were perfect and than you would all laugh at me). They love the Mini Man ( they also have yet to say what the hell old people you are to old to be having another baby). They feel comfortable enough to call this place home and admit in public that we are one of their sets of parents. Plus the oldest will let me tag him on facebook and doesn't feel ashamed of us yet (that we know of). I do try and keep their life on my blog minimal because I respect their privacy. So its more little highlights when they pop up I hope you understand.
  • Mini Man is a healthy, happy, normal one year old. No he isn't composing works of Shakespeare and he still is nursing and isn't potty trained. He has made us laugh and smile more. Little man has a wicked sense of humor for one so young (the child appreciates a good fart joke) what more can I say.
  • My extended family including my parents, in laws, out laws, cousins, aunts, uncles, and all you people that have become family regardless of us not sharing any kin folk or blood. You have to know that knowing you are there does my heart good. It doesn't matter if we are getting together on the regular or I see you once a year or once a decade. Thank you for being part of me and my life. I spent a long time isolated and I am better with you.
  • Total first world things. That we have a roof over our heads and can afford to pay the bills. That we have enough to buy groceries we like to eat not just substance food. That I have a washer and dryer in our apartment so I don't have to wander to the laundry mat. The occasional cup of coffee and dinner out. You get the idea. There is a lot for me to be thankful for. We have enough and than some.
Oh and you of course dear readers, I am thankful for you.

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