Sunday, November 3, 2013

Curious George, you're a good little monkey


I have to confess a few months ago I had reached a level of burn out with Curious George. I was reading through our extensive collection and all I could think was he never really deals with any consequences what am I teaching my child. So I shelved the books and took a break. I know silly of me to worry about consequences when I am reading to someone who is still working on a good grasp of the English language. However with Halloween being earlier this week I pulled out our books looking for Curious George goes to a Costume Party. Thinking I would read a non spooky seasonal story to Mini.

Let me say I can happy reevaluate my stance on George. He doesn't need  consequence for his actions generally the issues occur when all he is trying to do is help. Who am I to tell my child to not make the effort to help others or any of the other actions that get George in to "trouble".  Worst like most toddler aged people George has no real way to fluently explain his actions or justify them. What has gotten him into trouble is either the desire to help or his curiosity. Plus he generally does deal with some sort of consquence: when he shares his snack with the zoo animals he gets in trouble with the zoo keepers, when he gets lost the man in the yellow hat has to find him, etc.  Is it perfect not really but generally we do learn a lesson from the little monkey.

So while I will be explaining it is important to wait, listen, follow instructions, etc. The monkey is back off the shelf and in the rotation. At least until the next time I need a break from his antics.

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