Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Please just get them vaccinated

To start with I'd like to thank Toothpaste for dinner for putting it so eloquently. (P.S. I love you guys and if I have offended you by sharing in the blog post I will pull)

We live in the Portland metro area and while I respect your right to make parenting choices when your parenting choices affect my family it makes me sad. I'm looking at you whooping cough spreaders. While I know that vaccinations are not 100% effective and a cure all I would appreciate not having to wonder when I take my child out and about what am I potentially exposing him to because someone decided that little Timmy or Timantha doesn't need to be immunized for x, y, or z because well we live in such a progressive community and first world country.

There is a reason why we immunize. Just because your parents had you immunized against the big diseases doesn't mean they are gone it just means that there are fewer active cases around do to number of members of our society that have received the immunization for the disease. Your little Timmy or Timantha is not automatically immune and there fore has the ability to be a plague monkey spreading their germs all over. Which means  your parenting choice has now affected my parenting choices. So thanks for that. I will be spending the winter wondering as each new "outbreak" is made public if I have had interaction with someone you had interaction with. Should I be monitoring my little family and be prepared to go into quarantine mode at a moments notice?

That's right I said it quarantine mode. When we get sick we don't go out and about we bunker down. What better place for us to be sick than in our home rather than gallivanting all over. I would much rather puke in my home toilet and hope that I can get a Safeway delivery of groceries and Tylenol rather than run out and contaminate the Metro area.

So in conclusion, please do the big immunizations and pass me the hand sanitizer. It's germ season and I feel filthy. Also if you have a legitimate reason for not immunizing I can respect that but say something don't just hope on the we don't immunize band wagon because its the hip thing to do .

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