Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Working from home

It sounds ideal doesn't it to be a mommy who works from home and thankfully my boss is kind enough to allow me to work 1/3 of my hours give or take from home. I'd like to say that it is all sunshine and lollipops and cute craft projects while mommy is on the phone. The truth of the matter is it is hard but it is so worth it. I love that I don't have to put Mini in daycare and run to the office and at the same time I have the feeling of stress that he needs to be good ie quiet so I can do what needs to be done and bring home my share of the bacon.

On perfect days I am that picture of work from home mommy, a big cup of coffee my little one is nearby quietly and safely entertaining himself with his toys and juice; or even better he is taking his nap craddling his monkey. The minutes speed by and I am able to get everything dispatched in a timely and efficent manner. Baby is calm and happy, mommy is calm and happy, and no one ever knows that I am not in the office. We finish the shift and it's like I am just you everyday stay at home mom.

On bad days its obvious that I am a mommy working from home. I don't expect people to be nice about it or even understand but I would like to say I am doing my best. To provide superior assistance and attend to their needs while maintaing the illusion that I am not being used as a jungle gym, while sitting in a pool of spilled coffee, hoping against hope that Mini will not start shrieking like a monkey who found out his banana stash was eaten. Those days are stressful for both of us. He is still at the age where it's hard to understand why mommy can't cuddle and nurse NOW, not in 15 minutes from now.  Those are the days when the clock drags and your double checking computer versus cell phone time for this shift to be over so at least you only have to worry about baby.

Good days or bad days I am so lucky that I am in a postion where I don't have to commute everyday, pay for a sitter, dress for success , and try to have a healthy breakfast before getting out the door. My office is in my home. I can keep the big bag of goldfish in my desk for baby and me to snack on if needed. On long days he is pretty good about working his nursing schedule around my breaks and being patient. All and all my working works for us.

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