Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Thank you Hannah Montana

Thank you Miss Miley Cyrus, as a step mother to two girls I can not imagine any better way to teach them to be respectable young ladies than by saying look at that young woman. She is out there showing no respect for herself, her family or the generation that grew up idolizing her as Hannah Montana. Right now I am so grateful that we never embraced Hannah Montana.

The truth of the matter is I feel kind of wrong even blogging about Miley. She is acting out and getting attention for it. While I understand people are saying she is doing this to show she is a woman and evolved past being a Disney star however she started out as a wholesome family character with a youth fan base. I do understand that she has grown out of that. However even if she did want to shed that persona she didn't have to act a fool on national tv during prime time.  A woman can be sexy without being sleezy and you don't have to be naked to be provactive please see Marilyn Monroe if you need inspiration.

This whole incident makes me realize I need to take some extra time to sit down with the girls as they get older and talk to them about what it means to be a woman. It doesn't mean you get naked in ill fitting underwear and parade your body. Being a woman means you are grown and act accordingly. It means you take the time to take pride in your appearance before you go out the door. What you wear and how you present yourself are how people are going to perceive you. Yes that is shallow however that is the society we live in. So cover yourself up, take the time to groom yourself, keep your tongue in your mouth, and don't act a fool in public.  As much as dressing inappropriately might get you attention for a minute it won't get you respect or a phone call in the morning (gah sidebar I'm not ready to be thinking about the girls being that old yet). I have time to work with our girls and I do hope they come to realize that classy will get you much much farther than trashy.

Until that day comes I will be using Miss Miley as our poster child for what not to wear and why we get rid of clothing we've outgrown. So thank you Hannah Montana for giving my girls a reminder that we buy underwear in our size and we cover them up before we go out in public.

 If nothing else they could of gotten that girl some undies that fit and that were in a flattering color/fabric. She can even give me a call and I'll take her to Target.

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