See the top one obviously done by a professional me.
See the bttom one done by little old me.
Candy topiaries looked so cute but so expensive of course I could do it myself why couldn't I? It's not like it takes much skill to stick suckers into styrofoam balls? Boy was I wrong. If you want to try this at home run out and purchase the following:
-Doweling cut for as tall as you want your topiary
-Styrofoam balls I used 2 1/4" balls (you could go bigger)
-All the DumDums (Rite Aid sells them in 2lbs bags or you can order them directly from #Spanglers the manufactures.
-Something to stick your topiary in (I repurposed #Crystal Light container with a cute wrap in duct tape, you could also use mugs, or clay pots, whatever your little heart desire)
-Something to weigh your topiary container down, these are top heavy you NEED balast to prevent falls. (I've used both #Butterfingers and salt water taffy. Again whatever is going to make you happy)
To start with you have to construct your topiary. In my case I inserted 1 chopstick into the bottom of 2 1/4" ball.
Than you start adding suckers if your thinking about doing this yourself a little hint start at the top work your way outward in an straight line around the ball. It should look like your stryofoam ball a has a mohawk. At the same time try and convince your small child in my case Mini that no he can not have suckers even though they look delish and he wants them all . Pause to comfort child and police area ensuring that no suckers are with in Mini grabbing level. Next working from the top add another line of suckers you should now have an x or t of suckers going around your ball. Start filling in the sides, you may want to do this working from the top down do not work just one side at the time due to the weight issue. Equal distribution is the key for this project. Continue to fill in until one of the following occurs
- you ask yourself do I really want to let my child have this much candy
-styrofoam quits supporting suckers or you run out of room
-you run out of suckers
insert your topiary into base do not let go as it will wobble, add your balast. Congratulate yourself on your awesomeness for not paying a professional stylish.
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