I have to admit Moe doesn't always watch the news. It's not because I don't care it's because I just don't make the time to focus on it. To me watching the news often breaks down to either bad things are happening or here is a cute story. So mostly I catch up on events via Facebook. Last night that's what I was doing while putting the Mini Monkey down to bed and I caught the video of the Baltimore mom.
I have to say there has been a lot of different stances on her actions. There also has been a lot of responses made on Facebook and other media posts. My stance is this we are only seeing a few moments of this. Good for her for parenting her son in public. It was obviously not a proud moment for her. She was frustrated and upset. I believe any parent would be. Did she hit him upside the head, yes. Did she use profanity, yes. Was she probably terrified to be in the midst of a riot, with her son participating? How could she not be worried that he too would become a statistic.
Of course with a video that goes viral on Facebook people can get heated. They can make comments that are everything from educational, to silly, or even remarks that are crude and ridiculous. Everyone has the right to have their opinion. What we don't have the right to do is to run someone down because of it. I admit it Moe appears to the casual observer to be just another Caucasian female. It came up in discuss that I couldn't understand what I saw because of the color of my skin. Let's be honest what I saw was a mother correcting her man sized son. A son that she we presume raised from day one, from diapers, to first steps, to first day of school, and so on. I saw a mother who was upset, disappointed, and ashamed of child. I identified with her actions because that's probably what I would be doing too if I caught my man sized son out with a bunch of rioters. I made a judgement based upon a clip of video and my own maternal feelings.
So today I let myself get a little heated in Facebook land. Than I realized I'm judging someone on a few words, a few seconds, and on something that in all honesty they probably aren't going to dwell over. We are all doing our best. Yes there is a peaceful protest that has turned into riots and looting in some parts of Baltimore. Not everyone is Baltimore is part of the problem and the truth is they are going to need to be part of the solution. I'm going to take off my judgy pants and get off my soap box. Right after I say, "Good job, Baltimore mom".
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