Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Confessions: Reconcile

Reconcile: to cause to submit to or accept something unpleasant.

I have reached the point where I have reconciled with the fact I don't fit in with my sister in laws and brother in laws. Does it bother me, yes. Do I wish it was otherwise, yes. Am I going to wallow in self pity that we aren't friends and I don't think they like me very much, no. I am moving on.

Growing up I had the big family where everyone got together for holidays, weekends, and for no reason that we hadn't seen each other in a while. My in laws do a biweekly dinner that I often miss do to my work schedule. Even so I have never felt the same casual comfort with my sister in law and sister in law to be. I have tried to wave the olive branch by offering facebook friendship,  coffee, and referrals for pampering parties. That has been meet with limited success. Does it make me sad yes, but again I am no longer dwelling. My son may never know the joy of hanging out with cousins for the sake of why not, or we just got a new dvd lets make it a party but we do have other wonderful people in our lives.

People who are available when I need someone to have a have a cup of coffee with. Or watch the Miniman for a few hours. Or show up when I get talked into hosting a pampering party. Attend my wedding (well let's not do that again). You get the idea I may not of gained sisters with marriage but I have gained "sisters" through work, "sisters" through the internet," sisters" though Oregon. I love you ladies and I am so reconciled to your being the family I get to choose.

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