Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, new me? Nah I don't think so.

I have to admit while I like the idea of the New Year's resolution I also like watching people fail at them. I know it's kind of awful but I can't help it. While I would love to say this year I am going to lose 50lbs, join a gym, read the complete works of Shakespeare, actually use one of those word a day calendars, learn a new language, and etc. The truth is my resolution for this year is to just keep doing what I am doing. If I manage to cross off things from my actual to do list you'll hear about them but there will be no loud proclamation of I shall, I can. No I am keeping quiet until I can say I did.

There are many things I would love to say I am doing but the truth is. I do a lot. Being a mom is a full time commitment, so is being a wife, an employee, and a student. A lot of the time it doesn't leave a whole lot of time for me to be me. A good week can include my taking the extra 5-10 minutes in the shower to destubble the legs and if its a very decadent week use a face mask, foot treatment, or body scrub. A great week means I made it out of yoga pants and put on make up for something other than the days of work that I actually interact with people. Again this doesn't always happen. Sometimes I do pad into work in a tshirt, yoga pants, and flip flops. I'm not real proud but the truth is the odds of that changing this year are no greater than it changing in years past.

I refuse to set myself up for failure anymore. What happens is what happens. If I loose another pants size this year great (someone had better take me shopping than because this online method isn't always so flattering, if I manage to read a classic go me if I don't still go me because I read something other than a text book. If the house stays reasonably clean and a homemade dinner makes it on the table over 75% of the time well than I am just a domestic goddess and offerings should be left. I am not resolving to make any changes but I am resolving to love me. To be kind to myself. No New Year new me. New Year same me I am good enough, you are too. Let's make 2014 our year people!

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