Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Why I do the dishes

I feel I should start by saying when I am writing this I have always hated doing the dishes. When I was younger I would do anything to avoid drying and putting them away. I would much rather cook than wash or dry.  I would still rather cook than wash the dishes it creates. When I lived alone I used one plate, one bowl, one cup, one knife, one fork well you get the idea. They went into the sink and immediately after got scrubbed and left to dry. Now though I do the dishes and I still don't like it.

So why do I do it if I don't like it:
  1. My husband works out of the house a lot. I could leave them for him but with a 60+ hour work week the last thing he needs to do is come home to a house with a sink full of disgusting dishes.
  2. The big kids won't wash the dishes. Trust me I have tried everything I know to get them to do them. I even bought them gloves. Tried to show them if you rinse them and put them in the dish washer BOOM done.
  3. Minimonkey just doesn't have the height to reach the sink. Someday he will be my little helper but that's not today. He does do a great job putting the silverware away so that's something.
  4. It has to be done. I mean the other option is eating off of paper everything.
So even though I don't enjoy it. I do it because it's what a wife and mother does. Sometimes I do rage against the dishes and we spend a week eating off of paper plates but really that's no solution. So I will continue to do what must be done. At least until the Minimonkey can reach the sink.

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