Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Sock Monkey

Once upon a time my relation with my husband wasn't perfect. In fact we had separated and happened to be maintaining alternate addresses. During that time of evaluation my husband liberated the do it yourself sock monkey kit from our closet.

Yes, that sock monkey the one you see MiniMonkey cuddling with almost didn't exist because we weren't able to talk about our problems. So back to our winter of discontent. I was alone and he was alone and monkey was parts to be assembled in a box.

It came to be that he spent a few nights stitching a monkey. While I slept alone and so did he. I don't remember what I did besides work and sleep during those dark days.Come Christmas he brought me a monkey that I would of never made for myself. That was when I knew. Sometimes there is good, there is bad, and there is just ugly moments.

Than there is your toddler demanding and cuddling with the monkey of discontent. Monkey might not be happy but we are. So there is your happy ending.

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