Wednesday, April 30, 2014

My family

Some people define family as those people that they share genetic make up with. While I have a fantastic family of people who I am luck enough that fate and time has made it so I share genetic make up with. There is another group of people.

These are the people who have become family. Not because they are related via dna but because they have come into my life and they have stuck. Kind of like when you accidentally step in gum and it becomes an addition to your new sneakers. Is it perfect, no. Is it beautiful, no. However thick/thin/happy/craptastic ugly nastiness there the are.

So as i get older the more I value my family who might not always share dna.  These few these faithful  few this bad of brothers we. (ok Shakespeare quote because I value knowledge that has no acknowledged worth. Add it to the list of things I have wasted time on. ). These are the people who show up when I need them. Who laugh when I try to hard with a joke. Because if I am making a joke than I am ok even if things are falling apart around me.  Those who get that I am not a perfect wife/mother/daughter/friend. Those folks who love me regardless.

This blog is dedicated to those who have stuck by me and encouraged me. We aren't perfect but sometimes a simple check in even though its been a decade or so since we last had shenanigans or snacks. Sometimes its a text, or a phone call out of the blue. It's the affirmation that I am here and you are there but there are the ties that bind.

How grateful am I for these ties. Ties of kinship and ties that have been forged due to shared experiences. I love you all even though I grump and there is distance. I often don't pick up the phone because that's what I do for a living but when I get a message or my phone rings or an email notification pops I feel the love and it feels like home. 

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