Friday, February 21, 2014

It's the worst day since yesterday

It's been a rough week for since Valentine's Day, that is when we discovered what I term our kidnap van (ie. the kid hauler) had decided to die during the freak snow storm. So that is in the shop and the bill is only slightly more than I had expected (read that as double) but this is the shop that the AAA mechanic was all gung ho about rather than the shop the hubs was going to take it to (I hope he gets a commission) but at least its getting fixed and we can pay the bill without going into debt.

I took Mini for a walk on Wednesday and it went from sunny to rainy to hail within the time we walked home from grabbing lunch and a few groceries. He let me know with all of his rage how unacceptable this was. Not only did he get wet but that night the hubs asked if he had spilled juice on the stroller since it was still drying out. The plus note is we did make it home safe and with only slightly chilled Chinese food.

I submitted the wrong paper to my professor on Sunday too. Thank heavens she was kind enough to resubmit the assignment I had completed and grad it as if I had turned it in correctly. Otherwise I would of dropped an entire letter grade and I was feeling pretty good about having A's in all my classes.

So where we are is nothing has broke us yet but it's been a rough week. We could use a cookie and a cuddle. Maybe a sofa fort and someone to tell us when it's safe to come out again.

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