Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Toddler's Guide to Valentine's Day gifts for mom

Mini man here, I have hijacked the blog to discuss what moms really want for Valentine's Day. How do I know you ask? Well I do spend everyday with this lady so I like to think that I am in the know. This is only a guide every mom is different and should be treated like a unique and delicate flower.

Get her the fancy travel mug. She might not like it at first but she does hang out with me all day and I like to drop things in her coffee mug. If she has a travel mug with a lid not only is it safety first keeping me out of the mug it also keeps her safe from any surprises. Oh and if your wondering why the remote is sticky its cause I dunked it in her morning coffee today while she was making me breakfast. You could also stick some cliché flowers into this travel mug and make it serve double duty. I don't really see the point in flowers because I can't eat them but you know its apparently a popular option.

Chocolate. Ideally lots and if not lots get her the good stuff. If you want to do fantastic and you're local sneak into Enchante (no they did not sponsor this post in any way, mom just takes me there for wonderful treats when I have been exceptional here are their Facebook details https://www.facebook.com/pages/Enchante/155994854459916). They make delicious chocolates and popcorn in house and they have items with in every budget. I am partial to whatever little bites I can get and have been known to sneak the dark chocolate covered sea salt chocolates. They have a huge case of truffles and dreamy dipped items. If in doubt ask the staff they probably have even better ideas than me or just get the giant S'more.

Reading material. As I am limited to online shopping or where I can get to by stroller may I recommend a graphic novel or two? First off there are pictures so I can look over her shoulder and be amused. Secondly its not something that will require lots of focus for massive enjoyment and she can put it down quickly when I need mommy. The best ones have plot twists that include drama, suspense, and sometimes even a love story (ick). If you need help just go see the nice folks at #TFAW Milwaukie or visit their website (www.tfaw.com) they have live chat assistance. You could also get her a gift card to Powell's but requires her to have time to shop on the internet or a special trip so think local.

Nap time. It's free and it will make her happy. If you want to be super make the bed with clean sheets before hand and give her the fluffy blanket. She's always much more awesome rested and than I can stay up and party all night without her being sleep deprived morning mama.

Dinner at home. Don't make mommy deal with the pressure of reservations and fitting into a perfect outfit.  Bring the food to mommy so she can dine in comfort and I can pick the best bits off her plate. Extra points if you bring home something we can eat out of the to-go container that is still fancy. Or if you still want points I will show you how to hack her www.d-dish.com account you can order almost anything and they will do the driving and bring the food to the door.

Things not buy my mommy.
  • Dangly earrings, I like to grab at things and explore. It's an invitation for a mommy owie.
  • Lingerie, one of me is enough mister. Plus she hasn't shaved her legs in months.
  • Power tools, she's clumsy.
  • Cleaning supplies, I make the messes she cleans them up. There is no romance in cleaning supplies.
  • Plants, kitty and I are enough for her to keep alive and nurtured. Plus kitty tends to push them off the shelf.
Well that's my toddler gift guide to Valentine's day. I should repeat no one paid to be listed. If they had I would of made mom do the writing while I reaped the spoils.  We have no qualms with doing sponsored posts this just wasn't one.

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