Sunday, March 16, 2014

#Sunday Confessions # Never Again will I say diet

Never again, that's a great phrase to get yourself into a lot of trouble with. We have all said I will never do x again and often we repeat the behavior.  I have spent years thinking if I just found the right diet, or pill, or plan than I would be the perfect size. The jeans from the back of my closet would fit. That dress that didn't quite fit but was on clearance that I bought anyway. Those are getting purged. I will never again say the dirty d word diet.

I realized if I can't love myself what type of example am I setting for the children. I don't need them saying if only I lost 5lbs. If only I was a size small instead of medium. It was horrible having the discussion with them that a scoop of ice cream won't make you fat. That sitting down with the entire bucket and spoon however is a good way to develop a problem. That there is a difference between a serving and a binge. How to make healthy choices versus reaching for the bag of chips. To identify eating out of hunger or out of emotion or boredom or even just gluttony.

So I will never again say diet. I will also never say that I have the healthiest of eating behaviors.  I do try to make sure that during the course of the day that I eat fruit, vegetables, whole grains but I also have a taste for the "junk".  I am doing much better now though than I did for years I no longer eat the secret family sized bag of Skittles and dispose of the wrapper. Will I ever be a size small. No but that's ok. I have found peace with being a size large or  extra large  or depending on cut some times even an extra extra large and eating the occasional cheeseburger.

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