Tuesday, September 10, 2013

If you buy a grandma a burger

If you buy a grandma a burger make, sure she understands the menu. Due to regional differences what she thinks will be a delicious beef burger with extra vegetables (hence it would be called a veggie burger) and what she actually ordered a veggie burger ie faux meat patty masquerading as delicious beef patty with all the same fixings but none of the cowie deliciousness.

I should say in my defense I made the presumption that she understood what she had ordered. Who would order a veggie burger without understanding what they were committing to? I presumed it was part of her eating healthier and locally which was part of my confusion with the order. Why wouldn’t you order a burger after we went to a place called Bebop Burgers where one would presume the specialty would be a burger? Finally while we waited I had to ask why she had ordered the veggie burger. Followed by the key question of do you know what a veggie burger is? What a grandma expected was a regular burger with extra veggies what she got was a textured soy patty with burger fixings.

On a plus note grandma learned that it’s a good thing that Mini will share his delicious order of chicken to make up for burger disappointment.

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