Friday, June 28, 2013

How being a mom has kind of made me a badass

I never thought that vacuuming could make me feel like a badass but that was before I realized I could breakdown, empty, clean, and reassemble my vacuum in under 3 minutes while keeping an eye on baby. Sure it’s not exactly breaking down a .45 in 25. If you don’t get the reference see.
However that moment made me realize how many other things I do know that while aren’t really super I used to say I couldn’t do or could wait until my husband came home.
The other day during the great pacifier crisis I made the decision that guess what the sofa can’t be that heavy might as well move it and check underneath. I didn’t find the pacifier but I did find I could move the sofa by myself. It was also easier than I thought it would be. No more excuses for not vacuuming underneath it.

When we first brought MiniMonkey home I was sure I could never carry him and his accessories up and down the stairs into our apartment by myself. Since than I have learned that indeed I can tote baby, stroller, and the groceries inside in one go. Baby just keeps getting heavier too so it’s not like the load is getting any less. The good news is I can do it faster.

Also the kind of intensive cleaning the kind I used to put off for a day off now gets done any chance I get. If baby is occupied safely in his bouncer or in his crib napping that means I have x # of minutes to get things done. In the past few months that has meant that my blinds got cleaned, the kitchen cupboards have gotten cleaned and organized, and items to be donated have gotten sorted on the regular. Not just put on my to do list. Is it the perfect solution? Probably not but things are getting done baby is happy and house is clean.

Am I really that badass, not at all. However next time I’m feeling down I will just remember being a mom has made me stronger, faster, tougher.

Legal disclosure I have no rights to scent of a woman, this clip was borrowed from above addresss. Found by a quick google search on the wonderful web.

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